
The staff of 全球十大网赌正规平台罗马校区 (TCRC) works in collaboration with the 多样性、股票 & 在哈特福德的包容(DEI)办公室, CT表示欢迎, 为我们在罗马的学生提供安全的环境. Our work on DEI is integrated in our general commitment to supporting students, which is central to our work as well as creating spaces for their experiences and connecting them to local communities. This goal is not new to the TCRC faculty and staff’s commitment to student’s wellbeing, but over the years the strategies we have designed and put in place to promote inclusiveness have changed and expanded in an effort to bridge divides and offer effective support to all members of our community who come from a variety of backgrounds.

罗马最出名的是它的历史, 博物馆, 古迹, 但它也是一个非常现代的, 动态, multicultural city; through the years faculty and staff have constantly worked to include these aspects of the city to life on campus, 并为我们的学生提供一个温馨的环境. 考虑到这种独特的方法, we focus our commitment on precise plans to make sure our students can experience as many sides of this great city as possible, while also reflecting on and listening to a wider range of voices and identities. Our commitment to ensure supportive and positive experiences for all is designed to have a stronger impact on our student’s life in Rome.

We want to make sure to offer the same resources our students can rely on at home, 在他们的校园里, creating spaces and tools here in Rome to keep focusing on experiences and conversations about social justice, 特权, identity while also offering the opportunity to connect and learn more about Italian culture through discussions about these same topics here. We are working to effectively integrate conversation on diversity and inclusion to all aspects of our program, 从课外活动, 对学者, 沉浸式体验. Student involvement in our initiatives is crucial because their voices, 经验和影响是这个过程的关键.

我们一直在做什么 & 我们的未来计划在 & 在我们的社区中:   

  • We have been working more closely with the Office of 多样性, 全球十大网赌正规平台的公平与包容, 了解和讨论校园氛围, but also to create deeper connections with the extended community in 哈特福德;
  • We have attended workshops and seminars on DEI with staff, faculty and students of Trinity 哈特福德;
  • We have attended group practice following training sessions on Intergroup Dialogue;
  • We are regularly promoting group readings and discussions on social justice for all staff in Rome in collaboration with 出国留学办公室 staff in 哈特福德;
  • We will be offering office hours to discuss and promote conversations on DEI on our campus;
  • We will actively involve students in the organization and promotion of DEI initiatives;
  • 我们将组织 社区对话活动 on and off campus to promote and support intergroup dialogue and conversations on DEI in Italy and in the United States.
  • We will provide students with resources and updates on activities and initiatives happening in Rome via our Compass page each semester.

Angela lavecchia -多元化,公平 & 包含协调员

安吉拉Lavecchia holds a BA in Foreign Languages and a MA in Comparative Literature from Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Her main research interests include the influence of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States on the works of Amiri Baraka and representation of female characters in the novels of William Faulkner. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Promotion of Italian Language and Culture to foreign students at University Ca’ Foscari, with a research on the role of graphic novels by second generation authors on intercultural communication in Italy. 那是她在那不勒斯的最后一年, 她在都柏林呆了一个学期, Ireland for an internship sponsored by the Erasmus Placement Exchange Program.

She has worked for two years as Italian Teaching Fellow at Bowdoin College, Maine and she has taught Italian and English as second language to immigrants and refugees in Torino for one year. She has worked for one year with CIEE Ferrara as Italian Language Instructor and Assistant to the Program Coordinator for the college students programs and has also been involved with the High School Summer Abroad programs as Program leader and Italian Language Instructor. Angela is fluent in English and has also studied French, German and Arabic.

Dei员工培训活动和计划2019 - 2021

  • 2019年7月-分配的角色 多样性、公平和包容协调员 to 安吉拉Lavecchia (also Immersion and Engagement Learning Coordinator in Rome).
  • 2020年1月-全球十大网赌正规平台罗马校区共同主办 多样性、股票 and 包容 2020 Seminar – The Study Abroad student perspective at Temple University Rome. A seminar open to staff and faculty of American programs in Rome. TCRC的教职员工.
  • 2020年6月—— 酷儿身份:LGBTQ+性与性别身份 该课程由科罗拉多大学在Coursera上提供. 安吉拉Lavecchia.
  • 2020年9月—— Exploring the Historical Roots of Racial Inequality: Towards an Antiracist community, offered by 全球十大网赌正规平台 through Facing History and Ourselves. 安吉拉Lavecchia和Stephen Marth.
  • October 2020; February 2021 – Training workshop for 小组间对话促进者, offered by 全球十大网赌正规平台, led by colleagues at Connecticut College. 安吉拉Lavecchia和Stephen Marth.
  • 2020年10月- 11月-与TCRC工作人员进行集体阅读 如何成为一个反种族主义者 作者:Ibram Kendi. TCRC员工.
  • 小组间对话练习 (2期),全球十大网赌正规平台,2020年11月. 安吉拉Lavecchia
  • 2020年11月30日- 12月15日. 开放论坛(Open Forum),讨论多元化,由论坛disagulize diversity提供. 安吉拉Lavecchia.
  • 〇2021年1月 多样性Edu 培训,全球十大网赌正规平台 安吉拉Lavecchia和Stephen Marth.
  • 〇2021年1月 股权证书课程. 全球十大网赌正规平台. 安吉拉Lavecchia, Stephen Marth和Francesco Lombardi.
  • 〇2021年1月 Group discussion with TCRC员工 and OSA staff of 如何成为一个反种族主义者 作者:Ibram Kendi. TCRC员工和OSA员工.
  • 2021年1月-培训研讨会 Supporting Diverse Students on Study Abroad: Amplifying the Role of Professionals 由海外教育论坛提供. 安吉拉Lavecchia.
  • 2021年3月-小组阅读 所以你想谈种族问题 by Ijeoma Oluo with members of 全球十大网赌正规平台 students, faculty and staff. 安吉拉Lavecchia和Stephen Marth.
  • 〇2021年3月 小组间对话练习. 安吉拉Lavecchia和Stephen Marth.
  • April 2021 – July 2021 Group readings and discussions on multiculturalism in Italy, 性别不平等, 欧洲的移民和歧视, 职场的多样性. TCRC员工.


林赛·奥利弗 弗农街66号.
上午8:30 -下午4:30