
在a的第一年 新的合作关系, 全球十大网赌正规平台 and global technology company Infosys are providing Trinity students and alumni with unique opportunities to complement their core liberal arts education with technological skills that position them to thrive in the digital workplace.

Trinity alumni are among the new Infosys employees who have gone through the Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program, 哪个是 印孚瑟斯应用学习计划. 该项目在全球十大网赌正规平台的校园和许多培训课程中进行, 或“模块,由全球十大网赌正规平台的教职员工教授.

全球十大网赌正规平台校友蒂姆·弗林19(前左)和弗朗西斯卡·L. Velarde的19 (second from right) give a presentation during their Infosys training at Trinity’s Liberal Arts Action Lab on Constitution Plaza.
全球十大网赌正规平台校友蒂姆·弗林19(前左)和弗朗西斯卡·L. Velarde的19 (second from right) give a presentation during their Infosys training at Trinity’s Liberal Arts Action Lab on Constitution Plaza.

Each group of new Infosys employees in this program includes about 25 to 30 liberal arts graduates who are recruited from 哈特福德 and all over the country. “We’ve just started our seventh cohort in the five-week business analysis training program on campus,” 詹妮弗Regan-Lefebvre他是全球十大网赌正规平台创新项目的教务主任,也是历史学副教授. “The modules will be taught in a flexible space at Trinity’s One Constitution Plaza as soon as that space downtown opens in early spring.哈特福德中心位于古德温广场大楼, 印孚瑟斯已承诺创建1个,到2023年在哈特福德创造1000个工作岗位. 印孚瑟斯正在与其他教育机构合作, 但全球十大网赌正规平台是唯一与之合作的文理学院.

Regan-Lefebvre说,在印孚瑟斯的技术咨询模式中, business analysts meet with companies to assess their needs and challenges before suggesting technical solutions, 有文科背景的员工能在哪些方面大放异彩呢. “他们所受的教育迫使他们从多个角度看待事物, 思维灵活敏捷,”她说。.

Members of an Infosys Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program cohort take part in a training session in Trinity’s Raether Library and Information Technology Center.
Members of an Infosys Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program cohort take part in a training session in Trinity’s Raether Library and Information Technology Center.

根据学院临时院长和学术事务副校长的说法 索尼娅Cardenas“文科毕业生在科技行业取得成功的优势是独一无二的. 一个广泛的, communication-rich education equips our students with the analytical and people skills needed to drive digital 创新.”

印孚瑟斯总裁兼副首席运营官拉维·库马尔已成为一名 直言不讳地提倡招聘文科毕业生. “我们需要具有以人为本的技能,能够以全新的方式解决问题的人, 不仅仅是解决问题, 以及谁将在数字时代为创新思维做出贡献,他说.


蒂姆·弗林(19岁) is one of the Trinity alumni to be hired by Infosys and trained through the Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program at Trinity.
蒂姆·弗林(19岁) is one of the Trinity alumni to be hired by Infosys and trained through the Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program at Trinity.

作为去年春季第一批商业分析师培训生的一部分, Wilfried Nganyak Tentchou IDP’18 said that his willingness to learn new things and Trinity’s emphasis on writing and communicating helped his onboarding process go smoothly. “我从没想过自己会进入科技界,Nganyak Tentchou说, 他在西非国家喀麦隆长大,在全球十大网赌正规平台主修生物化学. “一开始有点吓人. 有很多未知数, 但我非常感谢印孚瑟斯公司理解我的处境, 我想去哪里, 并通过训练让我骑到目的地. 这是一个绝佳的机会.”

在训练期间, Nganyak Tentchou说, “我必须培养的技能之一就是知道问问题是可以的. 在这个领域,你必须提出问题,这样你才能收集到正确的需求.阅读更多关于Nganyak Tentchou的信息 2019年4月的文章 哈特福德报.

印孚瑟斯的一群新员工——包括全球十大网赌正规平台校友弗朗西斯卡•L. Velarde的19 (right)—present to the group during a training module held in Trinity’s Raether Library and Information Technology Center.
印孚瑟斯的一群新员工——包括全球十大网赌正规平台校友弗朗西斯卡•L. Velarde的19 (right)—present to the group during a training module held in Trinity’s Raether Library and Information Technology Center.

蒂姆·弗林(19岁), 她来自哈特福德,主修社会学,辅修写作, 修辞, 以及全球十大网赌正规平台的媒体研究, 我喜欢“设计思维”训练强调创造力, 这和三位一体的教育很契合吗. “Liberal arts college grads are seen as strong job candidates because they are trained to think flexibly and adapt,他说. “我认为技术的目的是解决现实世界的问题, 你不能通过思想狭隘或不接受不同的观点来做到这一点, 视角, 或想法.”

弗朗西斯卡L. Velarde的19, 她也来自哈特福德,在全球十大网赌正规平台主修艺术史和经济学, said that having employees with a variety of backgrounds brings new and innovative 视角. “接受过文科教育, 我学会了如何更好地沟通, 分析型思想者, and have developed the problem-solving skills that are an important part of the Infosys culture,维拉德说。.


Trinity Associate Professor of Music Eric Galm instructs an Infosys training group on active listening in Trinity’s Gruss Music Center.
Trinity Associate Professor of Music Eric Galm instructs an Infosys training group on active listening in Trinity’s Gruss Music Center.

Trinity faculty and staff members serve on an advisory board for this partnership and teach many of the training modules for new Infosys employees. 坦尼森奥唐纳艾伦? K. 史密斯写作与修辞中心和Allan K. 史密斯英语写作高级讲师, 据说该模块的主题包括听力, 同理心, 正念, 和创新. “We’re injecting skills that we think are the hallmarks of liberal arts education into the Infosys onboarding,他说. 奥唐纳定期教授一个名为“修辞分析和需求收集”的模块,,重点是考虑客户的需求, 还教授了另一门名为“创新领导力日记”的课程,这是关于正念的, 创新, 以及写作在创造力中所扮演的角色.

O’Donnell noted that this partnership may help illustrate to current Trinity students the value of their education and the career possibilities ahead of them. “This shows students how they can put their skills to work through an employer who will really value them,他说.

Members of an Infosys Business Analysis for Digital Transformation Program cohort in Trinity’s Raether Library and Information Technology Center.

计算机科学副教授 Madalene Spezialetti 教授印孚瑟斯公司有关演讲技巧和讲故事的培训模块. “Business analysts are the interface between the client’s needs and the people on the technical side, so it’s very important that they can speak in compelling ways to both the client and the team doing the analysis and implementation,”她说。. 这些模块不仅能使参加培训的员工受益, 还有全球十大网赌正规平台教他们的教职员工, Spezialetti说. “It’s very interesting to me to be interacting with the instructors who are from industry to see their approaches. There’s a great deal to be learned on all sides, including for the Trinity instructors,”她说。.


Imane Bounana, 20岁, Winrose Mollel ' 21, 埃德森·赞德拉,20届, 马修·所罗门22岁, 艾登·杜马斯,20年, 和班加罗尔印孚瑟斯公司22岁的温迪·萨尔托, 印度.
Imane Bounana, 20岁, Winrose Mollel ' 21, 埃德森·赞德拉,20届, 马修·所罗门22岁, 艾登·杜马斯,20年, 22岁的Wendy Salto在班加罗尔的Infosys实习, 印度, 2019年夏天.

Current Trinity students are able to explore top-ranked internships with Infosys around the world. 七个学生 去年夏天参加 印度班加罗尔印孚瑟斯InStep实习项目. 乔Catrino, Trinity’s director of career development and special assistant to the vice president for 创新, 说这个节目是排名第一的 Vault全球最佳实习. “学生们正在做一个具体的项目,这让他们获得了一些非常实际的经验,卡特琳诺说. 只有印孚瑟斯合作伙伴的学生才有资格.”

Regan-Lefebvre added that this is just a first step toward offering several Infosys-partnered programs for Trinity students. “学生将有更多的机会, both through traditional internships and some exciting new programming that we’re developing,”她说。. “We are very conscious of helping students to see how the liberal arts skills they are learning in the classroom will make them very employable.”

乔·卡特里诺(右下), Trinity’s director of career development and special assistant to the vice president for 创新, leads an Infosys training session at Trinity’s Liberal Arts Action Lab on Constitution Plaza.
乔·卡特里诺(右下), Trinity’s director of career development and special assistant to the vice president for 创新, leads an Infosys training session at Trinity’s Liberal Arts Action Lab on Constitution Plaza.

Catrino, who teaches “Personal Branding” and “Conflict Management and Resolution” modules for the Infosys training, said that students and alumni who are looking for internships and employment should never limit their searches to industries that are directly related to their majors. “人们习惯性地试图找到专业和职业之间的联系, 但事实并非如此,他说. “我教了很多关于‘未来工作’的课程,但我们不知道未来会是什么. The skills that liberal arts students acquire in their studies really make them prepared for whatever the future of work is because they have the ability to pivot across different careers.”

写的 安德鲁J. Concatelli


